Scholars Bowl was an activity for students to compete against other schools and answer trivia questions. Counselor Kristy Martin sponsored this activity. Nineteen students participated this year, which is the most the group has had in a while. Students would meet before school a couple of days a week and practice answering questions with Kahoot games.
Four freshmen joined Scholars Bowl this year. Some of them had already participated in middle school.
“I enjoyed doing it in middle school,” freshman Kendall Baggs said. “And it’s something I’m good at because I’m not the most athletic person.”
Some join Scholars Bowl simply to hang out with friends.
“[I joined Scholars Bowl for] the people for sure,” junior Bella Lange said. “Hanging out with Sydney is probably one of my favorites because she is so fun and nice.”
Junior Sylvester Hemberger was the top scorer for the season with 835 points. He beat his score from last year by 150 points.
“It feels great [to be the top scorer],” Hemberger said. “Maybe that’s me being selfish with answers and not being a team player, but if you know it you know it.”