Many people like to claim that dogs are a “man’s best friend.” I do not agree with this statement. I think everyone has a different animal that suits their personality style and that they can really connect with. However, there is one animal that I feel fits everyone’s style, and that is a cat. Cats are one of the few animals I notice that go through all different types of moods and enjoy different activities daily.
Personally, I prefer cats because they are more laid back and not crazy with energy. Others would say that their cats are the opposite and bouncing off the walls consistently. That is what I like about cats. They seem to fit into their owner’s personality, and each one has such a strong attitude and personality.
According to, cats are known to lower stress and anxiety in their owners. Cat owners are said to publicly talk about how playing with or just simply petting their cat after a long day can relieve stress and be a good distraction from real-world problems.