“A Dog’s Journey” is a sequel to the 2017 movie “A Dog’s Purpose.” It is a heartwarming story of a dog trying to find his purpose in life. His purpose was to keep CJ safe. I think all dog owners should watch this movie.
It is based on a dog named Bailey who lives with his boy Ethan and wife Hannah. Their daughter comes to visit with her daughter CJ. During her visit, CJ’s mom Gloria makes the wrong decision to take CJ away. As time goes on and Bailey ends up passing, Bailey then makes a promise to Ethan to find CJ and protect her no matter what. So Bailey journeys through various lives with various owners trying to find his way to CJ and protect her at any cost. He learns love, friendship and determination in all of his lifetimes.
This was one of the best movies I have watched. It is a “feel good” kind of movie full of love and passion. This movie is one of those movies that stick with you after you have watched it. I would give this movie 5/5 Cardinal heads.