Students ‘Andante’ into Honor Band/Choir
Posted on January 29, 2020
The musical definition of andante–walking–is exactly what the students who qualified for Honor Band and Choir did in Chaparral on Jan. 18. Students from all over the league to perform together with new people.
“My favorite part of Honor Band was making fun of the other instruments with the trombone group,” junior and trombonist Dylan Martin said.
Choir performed first, singing “Festival Jubilate” by Earlene Rentz, “Old Joe Clark” by Greg Gilpin, “Storm is Passing Over” by B. Baker and “I Will Sing You the Stars” by Mark Burrows. Band followed with “Sparks” by Brian Balmages, “Earth Song” by Frank Tichelil and “American Riversongs” by Pierre La Plante. The concert lasted an hour.
“My favorite part of the concert was the ‘Storm is Passing Over,’ because it’s an old folk song so it was very uplifting,” freshman and alto Cheyanne Tull said.
The director for band was Dr. Tim Shade from Wichita State University. Dr. Shade has given more than 100 performances in recitals and as a guest soloist, according to the WSU website. The director for choir was Jodi Reese from SNJ Studios in Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Reese has served as a Professor of Vocal Music at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kan., and as Director of Choirs at Dodge City Community College.
“I really enjoyed practicing because our director made it a lot of fun while also being serious when needed,” junior and French horn player Lucy Boyles said.

After the Honor Band/Choir concert, performers gather to take a group picture. Many students felt the concert was a success. “I feel the concert went really well,” junior and soprano Sydney Boese said. “We did a lot of practicing and got a lot done.”