Pep club aims to boost school spirit and support students in athletic activities. It is led by sponsor Jennifer Kunz with three board members: junior Macie Hartman as president, senior Brooke Beck as vice president and junior Maddy Stevens as treasurer. All students are considered members of pep club.
In the fall, pep club had a T-shirt sale and sold shirts to Stuco. This raised money for the props they would use at games.
“[My favorite memory is] throwing the colorful powder up at the white out games for football,” Beck said.
As president, Hartman is in charge of running the pep club Instagram account.
“I was interested [in running the Instagram account] so I could help the student body be more involved in the games and make them aware of what the themes were,” Hartman said.
The board members also decided the dress up themes for every game. They agreed that the USA theme is the most popular among students.
“USA [is the most popular theme] because it’s the easiest to dress up for and everyone is proud to be an American,” Beck said.