On Nov. 16, girls from each of the classes played Powderpuff flag football creating two teams, upperclassmen and underclassmen. The girls had to practice on their own time, and in addition to having coaches, the underclassmen had scouts. The event was delayed a week because of rain.
“I think it would have been fun getting all muddy,” senior Bailey Kennard said, “but it was still fun because I got to push some people around and get my anger out.”
Even though the underclassmen lost, sophomore Delaney Jones said she still had fun playing and decorating shirts before the game.
“Powderpuff was pretty fun even though we got totally demolished by the upperclassmen. I hope that next year we are a little more prepared, but I would like to do it again,” she said. “I also enjoyed decorating [the T-shirts] together in the ice cream shop.”
After the Powderpuff game finished, students moved into the gym for the He-man volleyball games. Each class had their own team and had to practice on their own time. The seniors ended the afternoon as champions.
“It was fun getting more involved because it wasn’t academics,” junior Sylvester Hembeger said. “[It was also fun because] I was able to play a sport, even if I wasn’t that good at it.”