Photo by Mylah Tull
Freshman William Morataya draws in his last hour before going home. Morataya draws in his free time.
This year the freshman class acquired a new student, William Morataya. Morataya joined right before Christmas break. Morataya spends his free time creating graffiti art.
“My work is graffiti, even though it’s not on walls, it’s still graffiti,” said Morataya.
Morataya said the three main things he learned how to use were line, shape and form, which he learned from friends.
“I started off with skinny letters called tagging,” he said “When I lived in Kansas City, I would see artwork and tags. It’s satisfying how they paint the walls.”
Morataya said he is unsure about whether he would sell his artwork.
“Honestly I am not that good, but once I get better I’d probably sell my artwork,” he said.