In the senior English classes this year, teacher Tamara Salisbury presented a new idea of how to perform your new year’s resolution. Salisbury shared a Ted Talk with the class and encouraged a lot of seniors to try it out for some extra credit. The speaker, Matt Cutts, said to apply your goal into a single month.
Senior Julia Zoglmann challenged herself to workout, drink a certain amount of water, and eat a better diet.
“I think it is a good way to start a new habit and see if you can stick with it for all 30 days,” she said.
Different resolutions were shared by these students amongst their class. Lifting weights and reading more were two examples.
“My goals are to drink a gallon of water every day and work out two days a week,” senior Nathan Berntsen said.
In addition to improving their physical health, seniors also chose challenges relating to personal improvement, mental health, and faith. Senior Faith Kelly chose two different goals that she said can help her relax and feel more at peace.
“My resolutions are helping me with the stress of graduating this year,” she said.