Homecoming time means Red and White Olympics. This year’s homecoming theme was “Rock ‘n’ Roll through the Decades.” The four classes competed for points in apple bobbing, table surfing, trash pong, tennis ball bounce, and crossing the Amazon. In these competitions, seniors and sophomores tied with 70 points in first, juniors took second with 65 points, and freshmen took last with 45 points.
“I liked the competitiveness between the classes,” senior and Stuco president Haylee Osner. “I thought it ran smoothly and got a lot of the classes involved.”
One of the new games this year was tennis ball bounce, but it had to be altered because of the weather.
“During the balloon bounce, students were supposed to throw the balloon in the air and keep it there while collecting tennis balls,” Stuco advisor Callie Bartelson said, “but with the wind, the committee changed it to where you had to bounce a ball while collecting them.”
Right after the Olympics, students were dismissed back to the high school for the pep rally. The band led the parade past KTE to the bandshell at the park.
“Marching to the pep rally was exhausting but definitely a fun experience,” freshman Troy Herndon said.
St. Joseph elementary, KTE, middle school, high school, and some of the community attended. The cheer team organized the pep rally.
The cheer team selected people from the crowd to play games, the dance team performed, and then the homecoming candidates participated in a game.
“It’s always fun to go to the park and see the community and the elementary kids all there for homecoming,” junior Isaac Winter said.