The Student of The Month is a recently reintroduced program directed by Stuco sponsor Callie Bartelson. This program is used to reward unnoticed actions created by students, Bartleons said.
At the beginning of the month, all teachers are given a Cardinal Caughtcha Card. With this card, they write the name of a student of their choice and a reason why they deserve to be student of the month. The cards are drawn before the beginning of the next month. The student chosen gets a Gambino’s coupon for a free calzone and drink as well as a special designated parking spot right in front of the building.
“The mood boosters committee came up with the idea for this program at the student workshop,” Bartelson said. “One of the main reasons I really pushed this out is because we want to award students for good actions rather than good grades and attendance and push more kids to go above and beyond even when no one is looking.”
Junior Ali Mishler was the student chosen for the month of September. Several different teachers and staff members nominated her for this title.
“I wasn’t even aware it had started yet so I was really surprised when I found out I was student of the month,” Mishler said. “It hasn’t really affected me too much though. My sister likes to take advantage of that special parking spot since we drive here together.”
Special education teacher Lori Good was one of the teachers who nominated Mishler.
“[Ali is] always prepared, always does what she’s supposed to, takes care of business, and doesn’t need to be guided around or hounded by me or other teachers,” Good said. “She is respectful, well behaved, and she tries her hardest on everything,”