On Sept. 26, guest speaker Terrance Talley paid a visit to Conway Springs High School. Talley is known for writing a book called “Secrets Anonymous,” a book about Talley’s personal life story and secrets from students across the country.
During the speech, Talley talked about the importance of never giving up. He also talked about his personal life experiences with his brother and experiences he heard from other students. Talley talked about some heavy subjects, so to lighten the mood, he told plenty of jokes. He also hand picked teachers from the audience to get up and dance in front of all the classes.
“[My favorite part was] all of the speech. I liked how everyone was laughing and five seconds later he made everyone tear up,” sophomore Konner Bidwell said. “There was not a single part I didn’t like.”
Most students said they thought that having a guest speaker come to the school was beneficial.
“There are probably a lot of people that don’t have someone to talk to about not giving up,” Bidwell said.
Freshman Alyssa Vance was picked by Talley to step in front of the entire school to answer a few questions.
“I was nervous,” Vance said. “After being up there for a while, I was not really nervous after that.”
Towards the end of the speech Talley had all the teachers stand in a line, then he asked every student to pick a teacher to hug.
“I hugged Mr. Hullinger,” junior Cooper Koster said. “I learn a lot from him. He teaches me stuff every day, especially at practice.”