New classes added for 2023-24
Students enroll for their new classes on PowerSchool. PowerSchool shows students the classes required and the electives they are able to take.
Posted on March 27, 2023
With the school year coming to an end, students are busy signing up for classes to take next year. Students get the opportunity to pick from a variety of different subjects that interest them. New classes that will be available include Creative Writing, Intro. to Theater, Leadership and Action, Intro. to Computer Science and Plant and Animal Science. Science teacher Chris Bellar is also adding a change to one of his classes.
Next year, Advanced Biology would be similar to previous years but more Anatomy and Physiology based. The class would still touch on some environmental science. There are plans to have alternating courses between Anatomy and Physiology and Environmental Science in the years to come. Environmental Science would be available to take for college credit.
“I hope I could use more time for Anatomy and Physiology because it is very rushed right now,” Bellar said.
Bellar also said this would be more beneficial because some students have different interests. Students could take a yearlong course on anatomy and a year long course of Environmental Science.
Another new class being added is Creative Writing. This would be taught by English teacher Tamara Salisbury.
“[I’m excited to learn about] using my tone when I am writing, and how to convey different emotions and thoughts through words,” freshman Amelia Meyers said.
Salisbury is possibly teaching another new class called Intro to Theater.
Intro to Computer Technology is another class being offered next year under science teacher Brent Martens. In this class, students will primarily focus on coding.
“[I think this class will be useful] so I can make games,” freshman Jack Hesse said.