Conway takes a ‘W’
Photo by Faith Rivera
Freshman Sydney Zoglmann performs her acting solo, “Ghosts I’ve Known.” Zoglmann received third place for her performance.
Posted on March 3, 2023
On Feb. 27, the annual Academic Olympics were held at Pratt Community College, and CSHS placed first overall in the small schools category. Weeks before, counselor Kristy Martin emailed all the teachers, asking for the students best suited to compete in each subject. Students competed in a plethora of different subjects and activities. Categories ranged from world history to photography and just about anything in between.
Some students submitted art pieces and writing pieces two weeks before the day of the Olympics so judging could be done by the end of the competition day.
Sophomore Angie May competed in the creative writing category and said she was surprised by the outcome.
“I honestly wasn’t expecting to win. I didn’t even think I would get in,” May said. “I was almost surprised when I actually managed to win something, especially second place.”
Students were chosen to compete for multiple different reasons.
“I think I know a lot of random things about random stuff,” senior Colby Koster said. “That’d be good for geography, and I took pre-calc, so that’s why I got pre-calc.”
Koster placed in all of his events.
Despite students having to take tests or perform in front of judges during the day, they still seemed to enjoy going.
“[I enjoyed going] because the food was amazing,” freshman Sydney Zoglmann said. “It was a pretty fun experience.”
Zoglmann placed third in solo acting.