March for Life continues another year
Photo by Blair Fisher
Marchers march to the Capitol during the 2022 March for Life. Freshman Blair Fisher (who took this photo) was among those marchers.
Posted on February 1, 2022
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court made the desision in the Roe v. Wade case that stated that the States could not put a ban on abortion in the first two trimesters. Every year since, people have traveled to Washington D.C in January to protest this decision. The first year there were 20,000 people that attended the march. This year, there were approximately 150,000 marchers.
“The march itself was my favorite part of the trip,” said freshman Jan Stuhlsatz. “It made me realize the numbers of how many die from abortion.”
On Jan. 21, a group from Conway Springs went to Washington, D.C., to participate in the march. St. Joseph takes a bus every year to allow high school students the opportunity to go.
“I enjoyed the trip, and I’ll probably go next year,” said sophomore Jacob Osner.
While in Washington, D.C., the group also takes in some sights. These include the Basilica, Arlington cemetery, and many of the monuments.
“[My favorite part] was probably knowing everyone was there for the same reason,” said freshman Blair Fisher. “It was really eye opening to see that so many people my age care, and it made me realize I could have an impact on the future of abortion.”
Even though they march every year, this year had a little more significance with the Supreme Court recently taking up a new case that challenges the Roe v. Wade decision. They listened to this specific case in December, but the decision is not to be expected until until June, when the court releases the decisions to all their high profile cases, according to Ballotpedia.