Seniors Go to Work


Photo by Rosalyn Zoglmann

After the first half of the day is over, many seniors are released to go to work. Emma Zoglmann is one senior who leaves to help with shipping for Talan Shinn.

Written by Rosalyn Zoglmann, staff member

Being a senior brings along a lot of new responsibilities and privileges. One of them is doing senior work release. During the second semester, seniors have the opportunity to leave school after lunch to go to work. Senior Logan Warren is one of the many students doing work release this semester. He goes to work at the COOP after lunch.

“[I do work release] because there was no point in me going to school when I wanted to make money,” said Warren. “[Work release has benefited me because I] make money and help with my future career.”

Not having to go to the second half of school and making money is a very important factor students figured when deciding to do work release. Senior Monica Willson goes to babysit at her mom’s daycare for work release. 

“[I do work release] because I hate school and like money,” said Willson. “I’m going into special education, so it helps me work towards what I want to do in the future.”

Work release is a great way for students to make money and do something they are interested in doing after high school. Some students like the easier schedule work release allows for them. Senior Derek Osner goes to work at his dad’s car shop for work release. 

“[I do work release] because I couldn’t play basketball,” said Osner. “[Work release has benefited me because of the] easier schedule and [I] make more money.”