Phones in School – Dandy or Disastrous?

Phones in School - Dandy or Disastrous?

Written by Mya Scott, Editor-in-chief

Love them or hate them, phones are now a part of daily life in the 21st century. Now the question over everyone’s head: how and when to use them? Schools are really feeling the burn of this pressing question. Should students be allowed to have phones in class? Should students be allowed to have them at lunch? There are teachers on both sides of the spectrum. 

“I feel it should be up to teachers’ discretion in each classroom to decide what their personal policies are,” said art teacher Haley Hendrickson. “In my classroom, phones would be allowed, unless otherwise told. They’d need to be respectful with their phones, not on it when I’m teaching, and they’d have to continue to work hard. I feel that technology is a great tool and that 21st century learners are used to technology and can be respectful with technology if taught to be respectful with technology.”

Being respectful is a common theme throughout the discussion of whether or not phones should be allowed at school. 

“[I think phones should be kept] in their lockers,” said science teacher Chris Bellar. “They may be used at lunch or at the discretion of a teacher saying they can use it, but it’s not to be brought to class and not to be used in the hallways. We need that break from screens.”

But teachers aren’t the only ones with opinions on this matter. Students have their own ideas. 

I think we should be able to have phones because I think it’s a part of our generation,” said sophomore Bella Gregory. “I think obviously when teachers are teaching we shouldn’t, but if we have nothing to do we should and during lunch.” 

According to a survey done by Bellar with his science class students, students’ average screen time was 5.2 hours per day. The average for Americans is 7 hours and 11 minutes, according to Comparitech. Thirty out of 53 students said they believe that they should change the school policy to allow cell phones at school. Forty-three out of 52 students say that technology and social media can contribute to mental health issues, but still use their technology for social media purposes.