Cowley Welding Program

Written by Aubrey Gerlach, staff member

Four students attend Cowley College during the morning this year: two in the automotive technology program, and two in welding. 

“It was very easy to get into the Cowley welding program, I had to have a 2.5 cumulative GPA and a 17 reading on my ACT. Of course I was higher than those that was just the requirement,” said senior Jacob Allmond. 

When students were asked how they found out about the program, they all really had the same answers. 

“I found out about it sophomore year when I saw kids leaving early. I asked about it and it was the school taking kids to Cowley for the program,” said senior Iris Wood. 

Students said they enjoyed the atmosphere of college classes.  

“My favorite part about the program is that our professor allows us a lot more freedom than the high school teachers do. We can be on our phones, curse, talk to each other, laugh and have a good time. It doesn’t remind me of jail like high school does,” Allmond said. 

Because these classes are directly related to what students want to pursue after high school, they are conscious of how they spend their time during those classes.

“[I spend my time] wisely,” Wood said.