Christmas concerts spread holiday spirits
Photo by Cassidy Beal
Junior Blake Davis plays the trumpet at the band’s halftime show during Homecoming. The band, along with choir and Cardinalaires, are performing their Christmas Concert on Dec. 13.
Posted on December 13, 2021
With fall ending and winter starting, the Christmas season is creeping up on Conway. Holiday cheer is being passed on as the musical students are having Christmas concerts. On Thursday last week at 7:30 p.m., the Cardinalaires performed their BPW Christmas Concert at the Methodist Church.
“[The BPW concert] went pretty good,” freshman Levi Mies said. “I think we sang pretty good and did the best we could.”
The high school Christmas concert will be held on Monday, Dec. 13 at the school’s auditorium. The band, choir, and Cardinalaires will be performing Christmas songs and even including the audience.
“The band goes first and they perform their songs, and at the end they do their Christmas singalong,” senior band and Cardinalaires member Robin Heimerman said. “Everybody can sing along to the songs because it’s very easy. Then choir goes up, and then Cardinalaires goes up.”
The Cardinalaires will be performing songs all together, as well as songs split into groups.
“‘Winters Twilight’ is sung by the girls’ ensemble, and the boys ensemble sings ‘Born in Bethlehem,’” junior Jade Mellecker said. “[I’m looking forward to] singing in the girls ensemble because it’s a really cool song.”