Conway Springs FCCLA has a fresh new start
Photo by Rosalyn Zoglmann
At the FCCLA Conference, FCCLA sponsor Darcy Jaeger and junior FCCLA member Russell Chitwood discuss the day’s events. This is both Jaeger and Chitwood’s first year to be part of FCCLA.
Posted on November 2, 2021
This year, FCCLA has decided to start competing. This is something CSHS FCCLA hasn’t done in quite awhile. To start off, the returning members went to a conference in Udall on Oct. 19 to learn a little bit more about the competitions and how to incorporate new things into their FCCLA chapter.
“It was very interesting listening to all the people talk,” said sophomore and two-year FCCLA member Kirsten Whitney. “I got a lot of good ideas for community service ideas and fundraisers.”
At the conference, there were different motivational speakers, as well as the state and district leaders for FCCLA. The leaders talked to the different chapters to motivate them to get involved in the STAR events. The STAR events are competitions the different chapters compete in to get to nationals, which is in San Diego this year.
“Going to nationals means I can go to the beach [and] get some snapchats. It’s a new place and new state for me to visit,” said junior and new member Russell Chitwood. “If I get to go, I’d be delighted to accept the invitation of San Diego. I could also meet a lot of new great people.”
The leaders also gave chapters different ideas for community service projects and how to get more people involved. FCCLA stands for Family, Community, and Career Leaders of America. According to the FCCLA website, their main goal is “to promote growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Science education.” Darcy Jaeger is the new Family and Consumer Science teacher this year. This is her first year teaching FACS classes and being a sponsor of FCCLA.
“[I’m most excited about] the new opportunities the kids have. I’m going to plan times they can work on their STAR events outside of school hours,” Jaeger said. “[I’m going to] encourage them to do their best work and help them pick an event that best suits them.”