English Teacher Switches to Counselor

Photo by Janel Meyer

During class, English teacher Tristan Carson talks on the phone while students are busy doing their work. This was during his second hour speech class.

Written by Janel Meyer, Yearbook Editor-in-Chief

Kristy Martin recently switched over from being an English teacher to the new counselor after Louise Ronnau retired at the end of last year. Tristan Carson took over Martin’s old job of English teacher. Both of them are new to the positions, and Carson just got done with student teaching at Fort Scott High School. He has a few goals for the year.

“I want to put my own spin on the class, and develop the students’ writing skills,” said Carson. 

He said he found his passion for English while at Pitt State.

“When I went to college, I wrote papers in almost all of my classes,” Carson said. “English was always my favorite subject; I wasn’t ever very good at math.”

Martin is also doing schooling currently for a master’s in counseling. The role has many similarities and differences with her old job.

“I like the job because it’s similar in the way I get to build relations with kids I normally wouldn’t see, especially when they come in for suckers,” Martin said.

Though Martin is confident in the job and talking to the students, there are parts that she said she is uncertain about.

“The most intimidating part is the ACT and Aspire testing,” she said. “Mrs. Ronnau was so organized with that part.”