Stuco plans for the rest of the school year
Photo by Owen Balman
Listed from left to right, junior Loren May, sophomore Kara Zoglmann, junior Emma Zoglmann and junior Cassidy Beal are the candidates running for Stuco president and VP positions.
Posted on March 11, 2021
With the last quarter of the school year beginning, members of the Student Council have begun preparing for elections and other activities. Recently, Stuco has been brainstorming multiple activities to hold that would be following guidelines regarding the virus and would encourage students to participate in them.
Normally, Stuco would hold an ice skating event at the Wichita Ice Center. However, to throw some variety into the mix, Stuco members proposed roller skating as a different option. A survey was sent out to the student body asking them to vote on which they’d rather do.
“Personally, I would rather go roller skating because I enjoy it more and haven’t really been ice skating,” said sophomore class representative Cheyanne Tull. “I think Stuco has been handling their events well by making the best Covid-regulated decisions as well as making sure masks are worn and social distancing is maintained.”
While Stuco is still prioritizing activities for the school, the elections for next year’s members is the main focus at the moment. To prepare underclassmen candidates, Stuco sponsor Callie Bartelson sent out an email to them detailing the requirements and roles for each position on the council.
“The requirements for each position mostly all involve having a certain GPA and setting a good example for the school,” Mrs. Bartelson said. “I don’t doubt that the members we’ll have next year will accomplish all of those goals. We are losing a handful of seniors, and I am looking forward to filling those spots with people with fresh, new ideas.”
The first set of Stuco elections takes place March 30, where the Stuco Board members will be voted for. The candidates for president and vice president are junior Emma Zoglmann with VP junior Cassidy Beal and junior Loren May with VP sophomore Kara Zoglmann.
“I plan to help everyone come together as a school. Cassidy and I have lots of ideas and asked for everyone’s input on them when we got signatures,” Emma said. “We hope to bring awareness to mental health but also plan to bring in fun, new events. I would say I’m fairly confident in the elections, but even if we don’t win, I know our competitors will do well for the student body.”