A spring play has finally returned

Photo by Natalie Drouhard

In the last act of “The Boardinghouse,” the characters huddle in the living room as they await an answer to the mystery behind the plot. This was during the Friday night performance on March 26.

Written by Owen Balman, staff member

After the spring play was canceled last year, everyone involved in drama was eager to perform a two-act play after such a long time. The play was titled “The Boardinghouse,” which follows a cast of bizarre characters as they get wrapped up in a mystery of buried treasure.

“I’m excited to perform this play because it gives me the opportunity to show a side of me I don’t typically express,” said senior Dakota Beck. “I do like this play, because it is more serious than the other ones we’ve done, but there isn’t much story development. It’s up there, but not one of my favorites. I’m still stoked to perform though.”

The cast and crew gathered in the auditorium every night last week to prepare for the performances. This week is very important because it is dress rehearsal week, where the cast gets to practice on stage with their microphones and costumes on and makeup applied, as if it’s the day of the play.

“I’m pretty excited for the play because it’s my last one,” said senior Brynn Andra. “I believe the little kids in the audience will add to the fun experience of the performance. We still need to work on memorizing our lines and cues, so I’m hoping we improve on that on our last days of practice.”

Not only is the cast of characters diverse, but the grade levels represented are too. There are some new and returning members in the cast, so there will be a nice mix of veterans and newcomers.

“It’s pretty exciting to be in a play on my first year in high school, but there’s a lot of pressure on me for that reason,” said freshman Grace Bender. “It’s really fun to participate since you get to form lots of relationships and get to have some laughs.”

The performances for the play were March 26-27, both at 7 p.m., as well as a matinee during school hours March 26.