The Steering Committee plans for prom
Photo by Averie Stull
Sophomore Cheyanne Tull and junior Lauren Mercer gather around junior Rosalyn Zoglmann as they discuss prom matters. At this week’s meeting they planned lights.
Posted on January 28, 2021
The Steering Committee has begun planning for prom for the juniors and seniors. Many are hoping all goes well, as with past dances this year we’ve had to take a lot of precautions or even cancel some.
“We’re working on planning for prom as if we get to have one,” junior class sponsor Sally Hardy said. “As far as I know it’s still up in the air.”
Junior Rosalyn Zoglmann said she is hopeful and excited about this prom, especially since last year’s prom was cancelled when the pandemic hit. The theme this year is “The Roaring 20’s.”
“Right now we’re trying to think of table centerpieces, and we’re trying to incorporate pieces from the last prom that got cancelled,” she said. “I look forward to seeing how it turns out and seeing our ideas come to life.”
The Steering Committee meets every Thursday, with the committee being split into two different groups. One group goes with junior class sponsor Tamara Salisbury, and the other group goes with Mrs. Hardy.
“I had taken about half of the members on aspects more with dance and music and lights,” Hardy said. “Mrs. Salisbury took the other half, and they are working on the menu, invitations, and souvenir glasses.”
The sponsors and committee members started planning during fall and have already made some decisions.
“We haven’t decided on too much,” junior Ian Solomon said. “Right now we’re trying to figure out what glasses and the prizes and raffles and what to use.”
The students planning this all are very eager. Many are glad to be able to have a voice regarding prom.
“[I’m] looking forward to having a prom [this year],” Solomon said. “I get to voice my opinion freely without being yelled at for it.”