“Your Lie in April”: A high school drama


Written by Lawrence Pauly, staff member

This story is one of love, happiness, sadness, and heartbreak all at once. It’s an interesting combination of these emotions, but they blend extremely well for a 22-episode show. The story of “Your Lie in April” follows Kosai Arima, a used-to-be child prodigy of the piano. After a traumatic event, he refuses to play. His reasoning: he physically cannot hear any notes that he plays. He still has everything memorized, and knows what each note sounds like when pressed, but if he presses a key, all he hears is the thump of the key against the bottom. He lives his life normally, just without the piano being a part of it. And one day in April, his entire life was changed.

He met a girl, a crazy girl that acted like a demon one moment and then a kitten the next. Arima said once, “She’s like a force of nature” , and that description fits perfectly. He falls in love with her, and she convinces him to start playing again, through his struggle. He agrees, and the uphill battle of dealing with high school, reviving a passion, thinking of college, and now a new love he didn’t know how to express, begins.

I found this show around 2016 when it was releasing its last couple episodes, and I instantly fell in love with it. Dealing with some of the same issues that the show addresses and deals with, I empathize hard with these characters. There’s plenty of things that I haven’t talked about, but they deal with issues like depression, growing apart from people, and just wanting to have something special to be yours.

A couple months back I watched this show over again with my best friend, and within four episodes she considered it her favorite show ever, and even now it’s still at the top of her list. It’s an amazing show for young or old, but if you’re in high school, it’ll probably hit you the hardest. You can find all 22 episodes on Netflix in English. I give “Your Lie in April” 5 out of 5 cardinal heads.