A new art teacher comes to Conway
Photo by Lawrence Pauly
Art teacher Whitney Long glazes her coil pot during second hour. She often does projects with her students.
Posted on September 21, 2018
Whitney Long is the new art teacher in the building.
“I’ve always had a passion for crafty things” Ms. Long said. “I’ve always liked more crafty things than artsy things.”
From childhood, Ms. Long has always been around teachers. Both her grandparents and her parents were all teachers. At a young age, she said decided she didn’t really want to become a teacher because she heard stories of how hard it was sometimes. From third grade, she has enjoyed doing arts and craft projects. In her intro to art class freshman year, she decided she would be doing art for a living in some way.
She majored in Art Education at Sterling College. After graduating, she came to teach at Conway as her first teaching job.
“I wanted a small atmosphere with small classes and more one-on-one with students,” she said.